So, it snowed this afternoon.
Instead of ranting to you about my venomous hatred of winter, I'll tell you about some awesome things that happened today. While pumping gas in the snow at the station today, a nice man also pumping gas offered to clean the snow off of all my windows, which he did--in short sleeves. It was incredibly kind. I came home and my neighbor stopped by out of the blue with a hot plate of delicious blueberry-raspberry muffins. Shortly thereafter, I got a nice text from a friend today just checking in to see if I was okay. No reason for the text, just a kind thought.
Bring on the snow. Life is still good.
And another good thing: family. Whenever life's occasional hiccups arise, it's just incredible to see how close my family pulls together. The power of prayer within a family is terrific. And when the good times come, family is always there as well. I am especially amazed by how supportive, understanding, and kind my parents are. I moving back into their home this summer for currently unknown span of time, and at first this was really depressing. I really like being on my own and I'd hoped to move in with my sister. But, the closer it gets to move, the more excited I am. It will be so good to be around family so much. I'm just grateful to my parents for welcoming me home. Besides, I hear there is sunshine there.
And hey, congratulations Lisa on graduating. I know I told you I'm mad, but that's only because I love you.
There are so many wonderful quotes I want to share with you lately, particularly some great ones others were kind enough to share with me. I'm just waiting for fitting days. Luckily, I've got well over a hundred days more.
And as yet another act of kindness, my roommate Lori was the one to suggest tonight's quote. I really just love Lori. She has such a quirky wealth of knowledge and interests. Lori reminds me of that saying, she knows a little something about everything, and everything about a few somethings. And because she was able to whip out this little quote off the top of her head that just happens to be perfect, I am allowing the first unknown author quote ever on this humble blog.
"I have wept in the night for the shortness of sight that to somebody's need made me blind; But I never have yet felt a tinge of regret for being a little too kind."
~ Author Unknown